In our office, or referred out, but always managed by Wayne Physiatry, LLC.

The management of many neurological and musculoskeletal disorders can be aided by select procedures performed by physiatrists like Dr. Epstein.

Valuable information is obtained from the results of these procedures, and the patient’s responses to them both acute improvement and future treatment are impacted by procedure results.

Dr. Epstein is unique among physicians in that he utilizes all the tools available.

Significantly, Dr. Epstein does not hesitate to refer patients to colleagues for procedures he feels are vital, but that he, himself, does not perform.  Dr. Epstein ‘s commitment to patients embraces a collaborative and collegial spectrum of care. Providing the best treatment is always his overarching framework and patient goal.

Procedures that Dr. Epstein is proficient in performing in the office include:

Other injections, such as fluoroscopically (X-ray) guided epidural and facet joint steroid injections are referred out of the office. However, those injections are ordered by Dr. Epstein, based on his training and experience in specifically determining the exact necessary location for such injections.

Patients referred for X-ray or ultrasound guided injections are monitored by Dr. Epstein directly after those injections are performed to determine effect and the next step in the treatment plan.

Continuity of excellent care for our patients is never lost at Wayne Physiatry LLC. Where patients are, always, “people” first and “patients” second!